literary essay rough draft

My book is ”The Giver” by louis lowery in takes place in the future. The main conflict is Jonas’s reaction to the information from the giver . One main lesson is to give to others what they don’t have , because Jonas didn’t have what he wanted until the giver informed him.


From the very beginning , Jonas described his world that he lives in is ”perfect”. Which also explains the theme of the story because he’s saying that everyone thinks that there so ”perfect ”but they’re really not because everyone is ranked equal.

The author changed the theme through the middle of the book , In the middle of the book it describes how the giver and Jonas are different throughout the middle of the story because in the middle of the story it says, ” Everyone has to do a job , but Jonas does something different ”.

At the end of the story the author developed the theme throughout the end book because in the book it explains , Jonas says ” He is going to make a new generation.” So he took an umbrella into his  house to lose his memory which say he is determined.

My opinion on the theme is like when Jonas doesn’t have what he needs like, him being twelve or him going through time but the giver shows him a different side of things and a different way of life to get what he needs and asked from the giver . The giver did help him out with what he needed so that why I put ”Give to others” as the moral of the story.

football practice


Monday, September 11, 2017
10:23 PM

Everybody guy in 8th grade right now in the school is so excited for today. “Today is the first day of football practice’ says Jacob , all of the guys are so nervous, twiddling their thumbs begging to sweat in the locker room . What they don’t know is what to expect this year.

As soon as soon as they’re coach enters the room they’re face’s drain with color, gulping with nervousness. All the students are speechless , one student tries to whisper to his best friend next to him. Then coach screams ” IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY YOU CAN SAY IT TO THE WHOLE TEAM”. So the student mumbles “I’m good”, then you hear really quite chuckles.

Then he yells “THIS IS NOT HOW WE ARE GONNA START THE YEAR”, We were all super frightened about him yelling at us. So after he yelled at us we were on our best behavior for the practices without pads so like on the 3rd practice the coach said “Everyone get a girdle, thigh pads, knee pads and the other coaches will help you if needed.” Then when the 8th grade was done with all of their pads they had to help the younger students like the 7th and 6th graders so all the 8th graders had to help them either with their locker or their pants pads , helmet , shoulder pads.

So a couple days past and today is the first day of practice with full equipment and either everyone is scared or excited for the contact . So after everyone gets dressed and ready for practice . The coaches each take attendance.

Then they all head outside to start their practice with calisthenics then they take their two laps around the three baseball diamonds. While the coaches discus either what their planning on doing with their line up or how their day went but no one really knows.


the first days of practice

Everybody guy in 8th grade right now in the school is so excited for today. Today is the first day of football practice all of the guys are so nervous, twiddling their thumbs begging to sweat in the locker room . What they didn’t know is the dis

As soon as soon as they’re coach enters the room they’re face’s drain with color, gulping with nervousness.

We were all super frightened about even getting our pads like the 3rd practice the coach said “Everyone get a girdle, thigh pads, knee pads and the other coaches will help you if needed.”